Women, power and cancer:

A Lancet Commission


     Lancet Commission on Women, Power, and Cancer to Launch North American Effort



The Lancet Commission on Women, Power, and Cancer was created to address the overlapping forms of discrimination that women face in cancer prevention and treatment as patients, health professionals, researchers, policymakers, and unpaid caregivers. At an Education Session at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting, 4 of the commissioners—based in the United States, Canada, and Mexico—will discuss how this theme applies to North America. The session will be chaired by Carolyn Taylor, of the Global Focus on Cancer.  


“While there is scant literature published around the composition and scope of the contributions made by patient advocates and civil society organizations, the value of this work in undeniable,” she said. “People with a lived experience of cancer, including patient advocates, advocacy, and community organizations, must be considered equal and essential partners in all areas of the cancer care.”


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